About Us

We prioritise overall well-being by providing personalised support and services to individuals with special needs.

EHASTT Care Empowerment

EHASTT Care is a specialised branch of the larger organisation, Everyone Has A Story To Tell (EHASTT). As part of the EHASTT family, EHASTT Care maintains the same core values and mission, with a primary focus on providing support and assistance to individuals with special needs through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
EHASTT Care is dedicated to prioritising the mental and physical well-being of its participants, offering personalised care plans that cater to their unique requirements. The branch aims to create an inclusive and nurturing environment where individuals can share their stories, fostering growth, development, and independence.
With a team of compassionate and highly-trained professionals, EHASTT Care delivers a comprehensive range of services, including mental health support, physical therapy, social inclusion programs, skill development initiatives, and respite care services. The branch operates with a person-centered approach, actively involving participants and their families in decision-making and goal-setting, respecting their autonomy and choices.

As part of the EHASTT organisation, EHASTT Care adheres to the highest standards of professionalism and quality in service delivery. Collaboration with allied health professionals, community groups, and stakeholders ensures that participants receive a well-rounded network of support.

At EHASTT Care, continuous improvement is a priority, we stay up-to-date with the latest developments and best practices in the disability sector. The ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of those served, empowering them to share their unique stories and contribute meaningfully to the community

Every unique story holds the potential for resilience and growth; at EHASTT Care, we embrace and nurture each narrative, empowering individuals with special needs to flourish in a world of personalised support and boundless possibilities.

- Chance Ndume